With only 1 month to go until I start, I thought this would be a good time to remind you how you can help raise the profile of Bomber Command for future generations.
I will start on 10th July and arrive in Lincoln on 26th July – 74 years to the day when Mosquito DZ636 crashed near Letra, north of Lyon.
So by the 26th July when my e-mails to you will have stopped I hope that you will have enjoyed learning a little about the crews of Mosquito DZ636, Lancaster WA118‐ZN‐Y Admiral Prune and the B24 Liberator The Worry Bird.
Today's Training Route
The Second World War was a time of much suffering for everyone. Ensuring that the stories of each and every person connected to Bomber Command during those dark days are recorded in perpetuity is just one way that generations to come can learn from their vital role protecting the freedom that we enjoy today.
So please follow the below links, share with your friends and consider giving a few pounds to help the International Bomber Command Centre record a story of incredible bravery.
The support I’ve had so far has been fantastic – so please spread the word.
Thanks for your help
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