Jean Joseph THOLIN was born in Amplepuis at 15:00 on Tuesday, 1st February 1876, the first child of Jean Marie THOLIN and Marie Claudine DUMAS.

Joseph Tholin married Marthe Marie PETRONILLE GRAFFIN at 11:45 on Saturday 21st October 1911 in the 17th arrondissement of Paris.
Marthe was born in Paris on 13th May 1882 and, up until her marriage, lived with her parents at 45 rue Boursault in the 17th.
She regularly visited Chamelet on holiday, where she met Joseph Tholin and married him before the First World War.
Ref Christian JUSSELME Geneanet Web Site
Ref Marc del Piano – IL FUT UN TEMPS,
Legion d'Honneur Dossier
In June 1929 Lieutenant Jean Joseph THOLIN was nominated as a Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur and confirmed on 25 July 1929, by the Minister of War, Paul Painlevé.
It was decided to present the award to M. Tholin who at this time was Mayor of Chamelet in a ceremony for the whole village to enjoy on 23rd September 1929. The presentation was delayed until 11th November of the same year to avoid clashing with the grape harvest and was presided over by Commandant E BRUCHON and Capitaine HUVET
Civil Service
Joseph Tholin was first elected mayor by the Conseil Municipal on May 19, 1912, and his deputy was Gervais Guerry, café/ hotel owner, who became mayor on December 10, 1919.
Joseph Tholin was elected mayor three times by the Conseil Municipal.
November 11, 1923 (Adjoint – François CHAVANT)
May 17, 1925 (Adjoint – Joannes BOUILLAND)
May 19, 1935 (Adjoint – Charles MARIZY)
He was Mayor of the town when he died on March 25, 1943 at 3 p.m., at his home in the center of Chamelet.
He was Mayor for 26 years, 11 months and 4 days. (see below)
Jean Joseph Tholin died at his home on what is now the Rue de la République at 14:00 on 25 March 1943. He died of natural causes.
His daughter Anne Marie Tholin registered the death along with the Adjoint to the Mayor, Charles Arsène MARIZY, who witnessed the entry for the commune.
Died at 14:00 25 March 1943 at Home -Centre of Chamelet

Abbreviated THOLIN Family Tree

Recent Posts that mention Jean Joseph THOLIN
- Registration of Birth – Maire de Amplepuis.
- Registration of Marriage – Archives de Paris
- Registration of Death – Maire de Chamelet.
- Notification of Marriage – Maire de Villefranche-sur-Saône
- Photographs of M. Tholin – Marc del Piano
- Creator of Family Tree: Christian JUSSELME
NB – In an article entitled “Joseph Tholin, un maire oublé”, which can be found in the 2024-2025 Chamelet magazine, it states in the first sentence that Tholin was Mayor of Chamelet for 31 years. This is incorrect. He was Mayor for 26 years, 11 months and 4 days. The article’s author is unknown, but the Mayor is at pains to point out that he accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions…
The author/s appear to have forgotten the period when Gervais Guerry was Mayor. GERVAIS GUERRY was the Mayor of Chamelet from December 10 1919 until May 1925. Perhaps he is the maire oublé referred to in the title.
“The good historian… must be fearless, uncorrupted, free, the friend of truth and of liberty. One who calls a fig a fig, and a skiff a skiff, neither giving nor withholding from any, from favour or from enmity, not influenced by pity, by shame, or byremorse. A just judge… a stranger to all, of no country, bound only by his own laws, acknowledging no sovereign, never considering what this or that man may say of him, but relating faithfully everything as it happened.”
Lucian, ancient Greek writer and satirist (c.125-185)
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